Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Artist Statement and Bio

Artist Statement

My paintings are my journal entries exploding with raw emotional energy and passion. It is important for me to paint very quickly to capture the mood I am feeling right at that moment; hence my primary medium is acrylic. The act of making art is more important than the final product. The chaos in my paintings allows me to experience momentary excitement to escape boredom. The calmness in my art allows me to experience wholeness and harmony while exploring a balanced connection between space and entrapment.


I studied art and art history at Salisbury University and Savannah College of Art and Design. I received a Bachelor of Fine Arts with concentrations in ceramics and art history. My work has continued to evolve over the years going from completely nonrepresentational to figure studies to abstract expressionist landscapes. Lately, I have been focusing on taking basic shapes and colors to portray abstract Japanese landscapes. I have sold art all over the country and have had several art shows locally. My two latest series, "The 5 Elements," and "A Compendium of Acupuncture Points" were recently on display at Tai Sophia Institute in Laurel, MD. I am currently an acupuncture student at Tai Sophia.

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